Thursday, May 13, 2010

sick of it

我做錯了嗎?? 她做錯了嗎?
有本事 不要靠靠山來贏我
有本事 就以你自己的本事來贏我!
有本事 就承認自己做錯了
真地對你們這些自以爲是的人 佩服
身為我們的領導人 卻不知道什麽交錯認錯
還好意思說如果我做錯了 我一定不會承認
學什麽? 你們的虛僞?!

最後 社會還是會被現實打敗


sim said...

good people will get the good stuff and bad people will get their karma. believe in this. it will bring you extra mile in your work.

Zhi Ling said...

haha thanks~
i reply you here ok~?
i think i have to tell myself dont so care about them~
just cant stand when briefing always v re the one who get scold~

about change the work ~
yeah i resume is done

sim said...

next time when it is briefing time, just tell yourself not to care so much about the scolding.

get a good job soon ^^Y

Zhi Ling said...

yeah~ i have to ~
if not really will crazy i guess
everyone ask me be strong and continue~
but i guess i can be strong jz hate to work there

sim said...

every where u can find hotel, i will advise you to find to a much happy working environment than right now.
everyday get moody.. sooner you also will get tired of performing well and also going to work.

so why not since you still young, go job hop more. you can get to see all kind of the working environment in it. gain more different experience in certain way.

Zhi Ling said...

yeah~ you have your point too~
actually i am thinking of it too~
not young d~
btw i forget to ask, gt once u find me in msn right?

sim said...

not young? arent you just only 21? haha.

ya, i did find you in msn. ^^Y

Zhi Ling said...

haha this year 22 d lo~
yea,i cant reply T^T
so you work as wat?

sim said...

that time you got reply me, after that you say you got to go sleep already as next day you need to wake up for work.

i am working as an electronic engineer. but also looking for another job. ^____,^

Zhi Ling said...

izit? haha then who is the one i did nt reply?

why hunt for new job?
dislike the environment?

sim said...

but there is a previous time that i say hi to you, but you didnt reply. so i not sure if you are referring to that time or not. haha.

i have just finish my degree course, so normally it time for me to move on to a better well pay job. haha ^^y
plus i do have some dislike colleague that i doesnt want to see.
also i do hope this new job is nearby my house too. haha. my current job is so far from my house. it is like 1.5hour travelling time..

Zhi Ling said...

1.5hour?! ~wonder hw early u have to prepare before you went for work
fresh grad? same as me ~ haha

sim said...

woke up @ 5.55am. should get out the house @ 6.30am to catch a bus. then change to train and then catch a bus. so by the time reach office is around 8.10am. haha that is what i did for quite a long time.

well, you are a "young" fresh grad, i am not. haha.

Zhi Ling said...

@_@ so hard to get to work ar u
okok done with the young word~
v all r young
so you found the job u want?

sim said...

haha, i have been doing that travel for 5 year already oh. so it is like nothing already.

not really found anything yet.
havent got any call yet. :~(

so how about your work? still got disturb by them?

Zhi Ling said...

haha nop
i try myself to happy everyday ^_^
hope can heard ur gd news soon

sim said...

good to see you are trying to get happy everyday..

yesterday i went for an interview. hope i can get a second interview call next week. it have being a while that i dress up so smartly. ^^, but costly to buy those shirt n pant. haha

Zhi Ling said...

yea~ like previous my interview also...
have to buy all formal dress~ then now inside cupboard~
when jz can wear i also dunno ^_^

yea~ sure you can ~

sim said...

then i must work hard and find office work..
then i wont waste those shirt n pant.

Zhi Ling said...

haha,sorry forget reply u tim~
hmmm bt office work won boring??

sim said...

what kind of job is not boring..?

Zhi Ling said...

haha~ no need work is the best!><

sim said...

easy for you... find a rich guy n be tai tai..

but i doesnt like to slack around.. so hard to kill time.
i will be very depress if i am so free...